5 Future Jobs in 2030

Talking about future jobs, there is a possibility that there are many new jobs because of the technological development today. Here are several jobs that are predicted will be found in 2030. Let’s check all of them in the following paragraphs.

  1. Autonomous Car Mechanic

Today, several car companies have launched their autonomous cars to the public. It is possible that several years later, this kind of car is common and used in many countries. Thus, autonomous cars will be in high demand for future jobs in 2030 to repair the car. 

  1. Digital Currency Advisor

Cryptocurrencies are getting popular today. People are interested in these currencies as their investment for the future. However, many people do not understand how to manage their investment in this currency. That is why Digital Currency Advisor is needed to help people in managing their wealth using this system. The background of this position is in financial management, accounting, and data security.

  1. Rewilder

Rewilder is one of the future jobs possibly found in 2030. The bad condition of the environment becomes the reason why this job exists in the future. They will focus on replacing unneeded roads, buildings, and fences with native species and forests. The aim is to create a green and healthy environment again. Rewilders should have a background in agriculture, environmental science, and wildlife management.

  1. Drone Traffic Optimizer

Another job that will be found in 2030 is Drone Traffic Optimizer. Today, drones are used for filming by the entertainment industry or police. In several years, it is possible that drones will be used for other functions like delivering goods. Thus, this job is needed to oversee the flight path to avoid drone accidents. 

  1. Smart Home Design Manager

Today, smart homes have been chosen by many people for their living. The rise of smart homes with more development several years later makes Smart Home Design Manager needed. As one of the future jobs, people who are interested must understand robotics, AI, and residential architecture.

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